Awaken Your Magic

have you ever sat in a circle of women. not with girls but women?

WOMBen who are ready to heal their mother wounds, inner child trauma, sexual trauma, birth trauma, relationship connections, and take responsibility for their inner and outer worlds. women who are hearing the quiet whisper and ready for that whisper to be LOUD and guide their lives to harmony and complete JOY.

do you hear it? that whisper is coming from your womb.

touch your womb. breathe into your womb. focus just for a minute on your womb.

what is she saying?

the awakening magic and medicine of sitting with women in an intentional circle is indescribable. a high level of support, nurture, care and love is felt. connections begin, growing, expanding the web of sisterhood.

we sit in a circle on the ground. there are no pedastals. there are no thrones. we are looking each other in the eyes.


What is yoni steaming?


Who is Yoni Steaming for?